New Paper Alert!

We would like to congratulate our REPSONSE partners Steffen Keiter, Jerome Cachot, Marie-Laure Bégout and Xavier Cousin on the recent publication of their article Chronic Feeding Exposure to Virgin and Spiked Microplastics Disrupts Essential Biological Functions in Teleost Fish. This work was developed under the EPHEMARE project (Ecotoxicological effects of microplastics in marine ecosystems), and demonstrates that microplastics exert toxic effects that are slightly different according to polymer type, and the presence or not of sorbed chemicals. This may lead in all cases to serious ecological disruptions.

Cormier et al_2021.PNG

Cormier, B., Le Bihanic, F., Cabar, M., Crebassa, J.C., Blanc, M., Larsson, M., Dubocq, F., Yeung, L., Clérandeau, C., Keiter, S.H., Cachot, J., Bégout, M.L. and Cousin, X., 2021. Chronic Feeding Exposure to Virgin and Spiked Microplastics Disrupts Essential Biological Functions in Teleost Fish. Journal of Hazardous Materials. Vol.415.


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