Greenpeace Microplastic and Microfibre Report

A recent report by RESPONSE partners at Polytechnic University of Marche Department of Life and Environmental Sciences entitled ‘Microplastiche e microfibre in pesci e invertebrati campionati nel Tirreno centro-settentrionale’ is now available to access online!

This report presents the results from the analysis of microplastics and microfibers present in biota collected in the North-Central Tyrrhenian Sea (Mediterranean Sea) during the “Difendiamo il Mare 2020” campaign. This campaign was a collaborative effort between Greenpeace, UPM and CNR-IAS which aimed to:

  1. Monitor the presence of microplastics along the Tyrrhenian and Ligurian coasts in three different marine compartments: water column (from surface to deeper layer), seabed and biota;

  2. Confirm the presence of microplastic hotspot areas identified in the previous Greenpeace campaigns performed in 2017 and 2019; and

  3. Optimise the sampling methods for microplastics and potentially nanoplastics extraction in water and sediment samples.

Read more here!

Sampling sites for ‘Difendiamo il Mare 2020’ campaign, conducted in 2020 in Central-Northern Tyrrhenian Sea (Image Credit: Gorbi et al., 2021)


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