RESPONSE were delighted to have participated in this year’s MICRO2020 international conference which took place online between November 23rd and 27th. This conference focused on Fate and Impacts of Microplastics: Knowledge and Responsibilities, and brought together over 2000 authors and  500 communications worldwide. RESPONSE formed part of a dedicated JPIOceans panel under Session 23.5_Me, which comprised of representatives from each of the 6 projects funded under its joint action call on the Ecological Aspects of Microplastics in 2020. Here our project co-ordinator Prof Francesco Regoli presented on RESPONSE – Toward a Risk-Based Assessment of Microplastics Pollution in Marine Ecosystems, highlighting the key aims and objectives of the project and the interrelated aspects of the project work packages.

We would like to thank the organisers for including us in this event and particularly Isabelle Schulz who chaired out session on the day.

MICRO2020 Event Page

List of Participants


New Publication for 2021


RESPONSE Project Kickoff!